There are many types of abrasive blasting applications, each of which requires the use of different types of blasting media. Choosing the right blasting media is important and it is one of the three key factors in determining the results of a sandblasting operation. The first factor is the operator technique, second is equipment type and finally the media type.
It is important to consider the following when selecting a blasting media for your work.vente birkenstock carrefour France pull en laine France converse star player cuir France converse junior cuir France converse junior cuir France pull laine mousseuse France chaussure de marche homme a scratch France converse junior cuir France pull laine yak France pull laine italien France pull en laine France conversecuir France mules arizona en nubuck kaki birkenstock France pull laine mohair France birkenstock semelle etroite France
- Hardness (Mohs Scale) :
- This refers to how hard a media is and determines the cutting ability of media. The scale is a 1-10 scale where 10 is the highest and 1 is the lowest. If you want to get more work done in a shorter time or deeper profile, a harder media is better however if you are trying to not alter the surface profile, a lighter mohs is desired.
- Friability :
- This is a term that refers to how easily a media alters shape during blasting. The more friable a media the less reuse you will get out of a media. More reuses allow for better cost savings but sometimes it will take longer with a high reusable media to obtain a deep surface cut.
- Shape :
- Media can be angular, spherical or natural. Different surface shapes have a greater or lesser ability to cut a surface. Angular offer the best cutting ability but generally at the surface of reusability. Spherical are typically not well suited for cleaning nit cant a great use when wanting to structurally strengthen a part (a process known as shot peening). Natural shapes are those that are minimally altered prior to being used for blasting.
- Size :
- Larger grits will yield a deeper and faster cut. However they can also lead to over removal of surface material. Smaller media can be time consuming but will less likely result in excess blasting.
By considering the blast media’s physical properties, you can best know how to improve your production or save money, whichever goals are.
Blasting media comparison chart
Blastline offers a comprehensive selection of abrasive media for the surface preparation industry. Our inventory includes commonly used re-usable media, such as Glass Bead and Aluminium Oxide as well as exclusive high quality Garnet imported from India.
The above data is intended for orientation purpose only and specific products vary significantly. Check the manufacturer’s data sheets for the most current and accurate information.
Available in a variety of grit sizes and formats.
- Bags (25 Kgs & 50 Kgs)
- Bulk Bags (1 MT & 2 MT)
- Pallets (40 Bags)
CONTACT US TODAY, for the Industry’s best competitive pricing on our extensive inventory.